Anush Ghukasyan and Uriel Caspi at the Keramikkünstlerhaus!

Anush Ghukasyan Uriel Caspi

From 10 April to 29 May, Anush Ghukasyan from Armenia and Uriel Caspi from Israel will be living and working together at the Keramikkünstlerhaus! In the open studio, visitors can observe the creative process of the two artists, talk to them or simply get a taste of the international ceramic art scene.

At the end of the residency, the artists will show their work in a joint exhibition at the Keramikkünstlerhaus. The vernissage will take place on 23 May at 6 pm.

Opening hours

Open studio: 10.4. – 29.5. Thu and Fri 2-5pm, Sat 10am-1pm

Exhibition: Fri 24.5. – Mon 27.5. 2-5pm; Vernissage: Thu 23.5. 18 h

Anush Ghukasyan (Armenia)

Anush Ghukasyan

Anush Ghykasyan’s work moves freely between graphics, printmaking, ceramics and site-specific installations that deal with the human body and its relationship to the environment, identity and memory. She transforms familiar everyday objects such as lamps or prams into ceramic sculptures. In doing so, she explores her memories, the fears of her childhood and the narratives inherent in ordinary things.

Anush Ghukasyan Arbeit

She is interested in understanding the social, domestic, architectural and cultural aspects of Neumünster. Research into her local surroundings will accompany her artistic process. She plans to select specific household objects and fill them with new imaginary content through ceramic interventions. The aim is to create a complete installation that reflects both the essence of the place and her personal artistic journey. Anush Ghykasyan studied Fine Arts at the Yerevan State College of Fine Arts in Armenia.

Uriel Caspi (Israel)

caspi uriel

Uriel Caspi was fascinated by clay as a material from an early age. Over the course of his artistic journey, he has developed his own methodology and visual vocabulary, which is mainly centred on the vessel – body – sculpture spectrum. Archaeological remains serve as important conceptual cornerstones in his work.

caspi uriel Arbeit

Relics from antiquity and objects from the home are the subject of his contemporary interpretations and collide with cultural references from all over the world. This amalgam of influences allows Caspi to carry out a kind of inner excavation in which narratives, memories and personal deposits come to light. This conglomerate ultimately forms the iconography of his art. His creative process involves experimental studies that combine revitalised ancient techniques, material research and digital fabrication. Uriel Caspi studied ceramic art at the New York State College of Ceramics. /