Postkarte Neuzugaenge24

Vernissage on March 6: “SAMMLUNGS – NEUZUGÄNGE”

Just in time for the beginning of March and the first blooming crocuses, the Keramikkünstlerhaus is shaking off its winter slumber and warmly invites you to the opening of the exhibition “SAMMLUNGS – NEUZUGÄNGE” on March 6th at 6 PM! The exhibition showcases works by the artists-in-residence who participated in the °Ceramic Artist Exchange Tandem Program 2024 at the Keramikkünstlerhaus […]

Ausstellung Olivia Pils und Sassy Park

Impressions of the exhibition by Olivia Pils and Sassy Park

The two artists from Berlin and Australia were guests at the Ceramic Artist House in April and May as part of the Ceramic Artist Exchange Tandem Program. Olivia Pils (Berlin) worked on two series titled „Candy Boxes and Other Creatures“ during her time at the Keramikkünstlerhaus. Each series, in its own way, places the human […]

Plakat Karine Eloisa

Eloisa Gobbo and Karine Guillermin at the Keramikkünstlerhaus!

Guest artists Eloisa Gobbo from Italy and Karine Guillermin from Vietnam will live and work together at the Keramikkünstlerhaus from July 31st to September 18th. Every Thursday to Saturday, the studio doors will be open, inviting visitors to watch the artists at work and ask questions. After an intense six-week working phase, the two artists […]


Impressions of the exhibition by Anush Ghukasyan and Uriel Caspi

The two artists from Israel and Armenia were guests at the Ceramic Artist House in April and May as part of the Ceramic Artist Exchange Tandem Program. Uriel Caspi (Israel)Uriel Caspi’s artworks propose an interplay between the revival of ancient crafts and contemporary art studio practice. Visually inspired by archeological remnants from the Middle East […]