In December the 5-member jury consisting of Dr. Susanne Schwertfeger (Institute of Art History, Christian-Albrecht-University of Kiel), Wolfgang Zeigerer (former director of the city gallery in Kiel), Johanna Göb (cultural office of the city of Neumünster), Carsten Hillgruber (chairman of the Dr. Hans Hoch Foundation, first city councilor of the city of Neumünster ) and Katja Jaroschewski (artist and artistic director of the artist house) made the selection for the scholarship holders for the program “Ceramic Artist in Residence” / “Ceramic Artist Exchange – Tandem” in the artist house of Neumünster.
From 46 international applicants with a focus on ceramic art the jury chose the artists Dineke Oosting from the Netherlands, Frank Jimin Hopp from Germany, Hanna Miadzvedzeva from Belarus, Marie Salcedo Horn from Germany, Marie-Josée Comello from the Netherlands, Semachai Chanakarn from Thailand and Simcha Even Chen from Israel. Also Rafi Münz from Israel, Srinia Chouwdhury from India and Estafania Valls Urquijo from Guatemala, who have already been selected for 2020 are invited to come.
The first tandem consisting of Hanna Miadzvedzeva and Srinia Chouwdhury will reside in April in the artist house.